A Global Sustainability Standard For Florist Entrepreneurs


Florint is an international florist organization formed for the collaboration of florist organizations throughout the world. There are 23 associate members of the florist organization, which represents almost 100,000 florists of the world. It is a European based international organization for the sustainable management of the flower sector.

As the conservation of resources is necessary in every field, Florint is working hard to sustain the flowers that will preserve the flower resources throughout the world. General Assembly of the Florint has approved the proposal for developing the worldwide standard for “Sustainable Florists." Florint will devise the guidelines and bars in the field and provide global certification to sustainable florists.

What Is Sustainable Florist?

The sustainable florist is the standard or criteria that florists need to fulfil to have the certification. Its basic principles include sustainable production of the flowers, packaging, employment standards, water consumption, waste management, energy consumption, and transport of the flowers.

Sustainable Florist Certification

Sustainable florist members had decided on the general criteria for certification. The florists who adopt the standards and follow the guidelines can have international certification for sustainable florists. There are three levels of certification. SMK is the independent florist organization that is the license holder for awarding the certificate of sustainability. The certificate is named silver, bronze, and gold. The level of the sustainability of the florist business is monitored by organizing the audit. There is a separate checklist for the status of the company.

Certified businesses are more valued in the market; the certificate plays a major role in promoting the business.

Aspects Considered For Certification

The aspect considered in the certification audit by the Florint includes the following.

  • Purchasing the products

  • Packaging material and method used.

  • Management of the waste produced during the whole process

  • Use and conservation of energy

  • Management of water resources

  • Use of sustainable transport

  • Flower conditioning

  • Conditions of employment

  • Use of chemicals

Florint membership

The florist is the leading organization and the most successful business in the flower industry. Having membership of Florint has benefitted many of the companies, adding more value to the flower business. Florint partnership can

  • Improve business communication by using the right channels. It enables us to reach millions of florists throughout the world.

  • Florint supports the business by sharing expert advice and providing support to the companies, helping to grow the business.

  • Florint allows its members to access the global business network, which independent businesses are unable to reach. Also, florists can connect with top designers and flower sector press.

  • Florint helps businesses to grow by providing unique opportunities and manage the company most sustainably.

Craftsmanship And Education

Florint provides tips and training to the florists, one can learn from the videos uploaded on the Florint YouTube channel or the website. The top designers give video tutorials to inspire the viewers.

Also, Florint provides adequate education facilities to the students who learn Floristry. The expert teams have started education projects internationally that develop the curriculum for the floristry courses and devised the assessment system for institutes that offer the floristry courses. It covers the gap of formal education in the floristry sector and plays a role in the flower industry's sustainability.


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